Our History
The Salvadoran Culture and the Space:
El Salvador Aerospace Institute - ESAI is particularly unique innovator. The history of ESAI is remarkable as the promoter of important events nationally and internationally. In El Salvador the official mission was entitled years ago through the “First Aeronautical Forum of El Salvador”. The forum is a periodically event organized by the public and private sectors.
Some of the most remarkable organizations where ESAI has made partnership and networking through the years range from: Aeroman, Helica; Local Universities, Students, Third Parties related with the Aeronautics, Gold Sponsors and the Civil Society.
ESAI has been an important VIP Guests worldwide. The result of this active participation aims to perform a series of activities to motivate youth Salvadorans to explore the fields of engineering.
The History of ESAI
Eventually, ESAI has made a great shift in the history, the Institute was Internationally recognized by the International Cooperation to introduce the potential and feasibility case of the Aerospace Industry and its Market in El Salvador. In 2016, as a result of such effort together with the International Community, ESAI established a Small Groups of Professional Salvadorans with a great dream of: Creating a National Space Program and demonstrate the country's capacity to breakdown paradigms of challenging the perception such as “El Salvador cannot become a technological nation of development and scientific ground”. Basically, the history of ESAI is a National Destiny; a merely case where Programs, Projects and Activities, all together are interrelated. Our partners trust & denote confidence and support us.
The main target of our organization is to serve as a bridge in El Salvador and help the Salvadoran society through Science & Engineering Innovation (S&E+I). The planning stages and development of projects started with:
Hot Air Balloons
Atmospheric Probes
Basic Sounding Rocket Testing
Planning and progress include the following fields:
Skills Capabilities to Launch Salvadoran Satellites
Sounding Rockets
Optical Systems
Renewable Energies
Port, Logistics and SCM
Other STEAM Programs & Projects
According with our Mission and Vision; the basic Research, Development and Innovation (R&D+I) and the intense national as well as international participation allow us to hold top recognitions from the International Community.
Discover our Seven Fundamental Pillars & Statements (SFPS)-ESAI
Work as a team toward the implementation of a robust National Aerospace Program.
The establishment of an incessant Aerospace Program that follows International Standards
The development of Patents, Technical Guides, Research and any other Scientific Documents
The integration of a prominent team of Salvadoran Engineers and Scientists either in the country or those living abroad to merger ideas that Modernize, Unify and Create a New Future for El Salvador and its inhabitants
A measured Development and Training of Human Resources through participation in diverse worldwide activities
Efforts to develop a Public-Private Partnership Model, based on self-sustainability
Support the establishment of a legal framework and the promotion of Public-Private Policies to leverage Research, Development & Innovation (R&D+I)
Past and Present Cooperation, Partnership and National & International Relations:
Aerospace Hub (more details coming soon)
Catholic University of El Salvador (UNICAES)-Santa Ana, El Salvador.
Sponsorship, Technical Assistant, Resource and Facilities
Catholic University of El Salvador (UNICAES)-/CRI-Ilobasco, Cabañas.
Sponsorship, Technical Assistant, Resource and Facilities
The Central American Group (Manufacturing Infrastructure)-ALL Central America.
Business Operations & Partnerships, Podcast-Social Media Blogs, Free Trade Agreements, Industrial Real-Estate Development, etc.
European Space Agencies and Other Networks (ESA Member States)-Europe, NGOs.
International Invitations, Cooperation, Industrial Consulting and Others
Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization(APSCO), Asia.
(under approval)
Resource Sharing in Space Science, Space Technology and Space Application
University Space Engineering Consortium (UNISEC-GLOBAL), East Asia.
International Partnership, Cooperation, Consulting, Seminars & Training, etc.
Centroamerican University (UCA)-San Salvador, El Salvador.
Technical and Private Sponsorship
Don Bosco University (UDB)-San Salvador, El Salvador.
Sponsorship, Technical Assistant and Facilities
Central American Technological Institute (ITCA)-Santa Tecla, La Libertad.
Technical Assistant and Resources Facilities
The Gradual Educational Model of Technical and Technological Learning (Megatec)-La Unión & Zacatecoluca, El Salvador.
Conference, Visiting and Technical Assistant
Francisco Gavidia University (UFG)-San Miguel & Usulután, El Salvador.
Conference, Visiting and Technical Assistant
The Air Force of El Salvador (FAS)-International Airport/Comalapa, Zacatecoluca, El Salvador.
Visiting, Logistics & Security Coordination and Other Technical Assistant
El Salvador National University (UES)-San Salvador, El Salvador.
Visiting/ Technical Assistant
University of Sonsonate (USO)-Sonsonate, El Salvador.
Visiting/ Technical Assistant
Export and Investment Promotion Agency of El Salvador (PROESA)-San Salvador, El Salvador.
Gold Sponsorship/ Other Technical Assistant
Other Donors and Cooperating-Worldwide.