Human Resources is a core asset for ESAI. We based our work thanks to skillful people; the envision is to integrate a sustainable economy as well as the potential to develop expertise and capabilities in the field of Aerospace, Science & Technology (AS&T).
ESAI has the achievement to improve the National Economy, Technology & Industry (ET&I). We adopt a continuous strategy of improvements, economic reforms, welfare and sustainability of knowledge to challenge the future.
The Republic of El Salvador, has identified that Aerospace is one of the most important competency and tailored industry to approach economic development; ESAI is commit to lead sustainability demands and outstanding responsibilities.
Our legacy is based on developing a top leadership and promissory Space Program focusing on: Peaceful Use of the Space, Protection of Life on Earth, Better Understanding of the Universe, Health, Space Technology for Global Trade, and so on and so forth.
We believe and support an inclusive policy of promoting an Aerospace Program where Technology and Transfer of Knowledge are the key success to shape the Salvadoran society and future economy. The development, ICT, sharing knowledge, prosperous economy, capital and other resources will be possible just by leadership of training, soft & hard skills development, innovation, qualify professionals and sustainable human resources of the future.
To achieve goals, ESAI promotes a collaborative environment based on Science, Technology and Innovation (ST+I) so that we can delivery a generation of citizens who are committed to:
Foster our legacy of the STEAM program
National & International Partnership
New Aerospace Culture
Creativeness & Shared Kknowledge
National Economy and Sustainability
The National Aerospace Policy of El Salvador consider the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which in case of El Salvador aim to minimize the following socio-economic factors:
Education & Poverty
Health, Water and Hunger
Technology Innovation
Future Renewable Energy
Well-being of Our Society
Inclusive Living Standards
Economic Growth
Future Work
Smart Society