ESAI Special Moments
Win to Win Memory
The history of ESAI stamps a steadily conviction to support El Salvador to become an Aerospace Hub, being the Academia and Industry the Top Priorities. In general we work on Projects such as:
Stratospheric Balloons
R&D+I on Satellites
Space Transportation Systems (Experimental Solid Fuel Rockets)
Space Tracking & Tracing (Utilization of Space Systems, Design and Tools)
Research on Space Science
Research on Aeronautical Technology
Conference, Seminars and Education
Technology & Training
Renewable Energies
Marine Engineering Fields
Public National & International Relations
International Cooperation
Despite our tremendous efforts; we cannot ignore the challenges as we are a developing nation; our particular interest is to progress and catching up with the International Community. The result of doing Research & Testing, is the pioneering key of leadership at ESAI. The cooperation levels include the support of local universities, private enterprises and direct partnership with the Salvadoran Government to consolidate our core values & strategy.
ESAI is the main Think Tank of El Salvador, where Engineering ideas are developed by Salvadorans, with the unique purpose of contributing to Future and Development through the use of Technology.
El Salvador and the World
The Aerospace Research, Development and Innovation (R&D+I) achievements initiated particularly with the history and merits under the leadership of our President and Director of Projects Dr. Luis ALFARO, who has invested over 14 years overseas working mostly promoting activities in the fields of Aerospace & Aeronautical Engineering, Government Networking, Ports, Logistics and Top Secret Systems for the SCM.
Thanks to the previous contribution, our strategy has succeed and consolidated as an emerging aerospace nation working on a national plan and giving the example for El Salvador and its inhabitants.
We proudly share with each citizen in El Salvador and Overseas that back in 2016; among 35 emerging Aerospace Nations; ESAI received the FIRST top recognition, for establishing a sustainable long term vision & remarkable participation of ESAI as a MEMBER of Selecting Groups of Aerospace Nations Worldwide, which are willing to Sponsor our Programs - Projects and Activities.
The International Community denotes a top recognition given to El Salvador and highlight our efforts as ESAI became the First Nation among the North Triangle (Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador) in Central America to receive Honorific Mentions and the was selected as the Second Nation that Actively Participate in Aerospace activities after Costa Rica in the whole Central America region.
The progress of ESAI is unique and host the precedent, which is clearly based in the spirit to generate knowledge, R&D+I, Growth and Efforts to make a better country with the priority to serve its local or overseas citizens day by day.